Friday, December 23, 2011

santy clause is coming! santy clause is coming!

Merry Christmas-Eve-eve, y'all! (And Happy 4th day of Hannukah, too!)

This year we went au naturel with the xmas tree. Straight out of a north florida pine forest (we got permission, don't worry). It might not be for everyone, but I personally love it. So does my kitty.
it looks better with the lights on. and i didn't fit the whole tree in this pic. don't hate.
As much as I don't prefer today's commercialized version of Christmas, I really do love the holiday season. I can't deny it. Things I have to look forward to in the coming days include:

Thursday, December 22, 2011

who i am-- part II

*note: this is part 2 of a series-- we wrote these independently, without knowledge of each other's responses. just sayin'.

Who I Am...
(part II: Zack)

I am…
I want…horns... 

who i am-- part I

Who I Am...
(part I: Maria)
Yours truly at birthday numero uno. Twenty years has gone by pretty fast.

I am…a college grad!
I want…to finish this last personal statement…

my "last" semester in pics.

Today, December 22, 2011, I officially "graduate" from Stetson University. My diploma is waiting for me in the Registrar's office. Crazy.

So before too much time passes (hey, it's not even Christmas yet, so I'm totally still in the allowable time frame), here's a [brief] layout of my semester in pictures. There is a lot omitted, I admit, but oh well.

Monday, December 19, 2011

mindful monday #12

Welcome to the first post-grad post from the M of "Z&M." Hopefully there will be some pretty regular blogging going on this Spring semester, but...let's not make any promises. For now, we'll just be thankful that I didn't collapse into an inescapable coma of exhaustion after finals week and am here to continue this Mindful Monday gig...

Friday, December 16, 2011

You had me at Blog.

A certain special little lady has informed me that I'm not pulling my weight in this blogging deal.  I tried to inform her that I have nothing to blog about, but she wouldn't relent.  Apparently she's convinced that my blank, open mouthed stares hide some sort of teeming intellect. So, bloggies, you get to be witness to my brilliant mind. Yeah, get pumped.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

one word: plastics.

just call me dustin hoffman.

wh-wh-whoa! i'm a college grad! and...i know i should feel like this:
it's a mugshot. get it?

...but instead i pretty much just feel like this:

yeah, it turns out that graduating kind of, well, hurts. but as my dear ol' pops pointed out, i guess that's a good sign, right? it means this place was good to me, and that i'll miss it when i go.

truer words there have never been.

(as a disclaimer, though: i am excited, and i am proud, and all that good stuff, too. it's why they call things like this bittersweet i reckon)


Sunday, December 11, 2011

my-mind-is-full monday (#11)


holy cannoli.
^That's what my brain feelt like circa 7am getting ready for my genetics final. So glad that's over. Now onto finishing my senior research paper, reviewing a bit for tomorrow's poli sci final, and then......


Not your average Monday.

Monday, December 05, 2011