A fave musician of mine,
The Tallest Man On Earth, just dropped a new album
[must have fallen a long way! punny!] and I can honestly say that I have no regrets about my waste-no-time purchase after hearing of the release from
preferred source of all musicky insight has this to say about the album:
"These 10 songs, like those before them, dazzle and shimmy and sulk, as Matsson continues to conjure images of a young Dylan projecting his voice through a megaphone."
So far, I've enjoyed every minute of listening to the album's finger-picking goodness
[that is, the guitar kind, not the nose kind]. I don't know that I have a favorite track yet, but here's one that warmed up to me a couple of evenings ago-- it's called "Criminals". I like it:
I don't know how, exactly, I had planned to shape this music-sharing into a Mindful Monday post, but let's start with the album title, "There's No Leaving Now." It's easy to look at that and recognize its parallelism (?) with my present life-- I just got a job with a completely uncertain schedule, and while my adventurous side wants to get back out on the road and see the world, my exhausted side is happy to just stay put for a while. So I think that's just what I'll do. There's no leaving now.
Happy Monday.