Friday, April 27, 2012

music to my ears: Freiburg, day 2b

Disclaimer: There are videos in this post, but...they're not of the highest quality. 
My bad, folks, my bad.
(Also, please just ignore my talking...Thanks)

Maybe my perspective was biased by my happening to live with a music student and then meeting a bunch of his friends, but Freiburg seemed to be full of music.

The town is populated by a large selection of music students, street musicians, symphonies, and local bands. I wish I took more videos, but alas, I am a pansy, so here we are.

On the street, the performers were many, and they were talented:

(regarding the weather, I definitely thought the lyrics were fitting)

On saturday evening, after walking around all day, we indulged in Turkish kebab–basically the fast-food of Germany–and although that's not directly in line with this post's theme, the flavor made it worthy of mentioning.

After dinner, we went over to a sweet little jazz bar. 

Less like our typical live-music-at-a-bar concept, and more like an actual concert/exposition, the show was awesome. The band–made up of two violinists, two guitarists, and a percussionist (all of whom sang)–was, dare I say, quite good. I enjoyed myself immensely.

The venue was packed with locals and we ended up sitting atop a radiator in that left window on the 2nd floor (under the word Die). Again, I don't have much video evidence, so you'll just have to trust me that their whole set was rather enjoyable.

We went back to Feierling after the show [Germans and their beer..], then to a party being hosted by a student who'll be studying abroad at Stetson next year. By the end of the night, I was feeling like a bona fide Freiburg-ian.

-eghM (that's my German sign-off)

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