The natural way for me to start this post is with a big fat SORRY for being so distant lately...
...but maybe instead I'll offer a YOU'RE WELCOME for coming back :)
Either way, I'm glad to be able to share some of what my life's been like these past few weeks. [Maybe you're interested, maybe you're not.] Here's a wee taste of what's been going down:
a. Got a job! I've been working at a local health and fitness center for the past month, and it's been great to get to know the staff and so many members of the community [all while working off this extra Italy weight!]. I don't have a picture of me working, nor of me working out, so instead, here's a picture of me from a zillion years ago as motivation to get back into shape...
b. I saw/listened to/experienced Coldplay! I volunteered before the show with Oxfam to raise awareness of their GROW campaign, and afterward got to hang out with the band. It was absolutely amazing. [Oh, and by "hang out," I mean "listen to them rock out in a civic center." But we were only 12 rows back so that's something!]
c. While I was at work on Friday [see part A], my oldest brother was in Paris celebrating Bastille Day. This really has nothing to do with my life, but I thought this photo of the firework show was pretty great. Thanks for sharing, bro!
d. Today, right now, I am sitting with Z's family on their annual beach vacay. I only get to stay for a couple days (see above re: new job), but I'm thankful nonetheless. It's a wonderful family and I really am blessed to have been taken in as an unofficial member of it :D
I don't have any pictures of this year's trip (not even of my hilariously blotchy thigh sunburn), so here's another throwback, this time of me and Z on this same beach four years ago. Time flies.
Time flies indeed. That's kind of what I've been thinking about today [with 15 minutes to spare, I will turn this into an MM post!]. Z's nephew is walking and talking [well, almost]; four members of Z's generation (on this side of the family) are married (and two of the couples are pregnant); I've been with this awesome boyfriend for >6 years; I keep having to give people updates on my postgraduate plans; this free time since graduation is almost gone [and I haven't gotten my visa nor read my course materials yet!]; the opening ceremony is less than 2 weeks away!......My here's-how-to-prove-that-time-flies list could go on for a while but I'll stop there. Again, you're welcome.
Of course, time will continue to pass us by whether we're cognizant of it or not. I think for now, I'll just be thankful for all the wonderful things that have come to pass, and kick my butt into gear to get ready for all that is to come.
Happy Monday, y'all. [It'll probably be Tuesday by the time you read this. And next Monday will be here in a flash. It never ends...]
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