Thursday, October 25, 2012


I have learned, firsthand, in this last month in Oxford—just like we're told circa age 5—that time flies when you're having fun.
-And when you're getting used to a new lifestyle.
-And when you're reading ~11 books and writing 9 pages each week.
-And when you're taking up an old sport again.
-And when---
 okay, we'll just leave it at 'time flies when you're having fun.' 
That's what all this has been, essentially.

All of this is just to apologize for the gap in updates. I'm working really hard to "find the balance" among all my various obligations here [self-assigned or otherwise, hehe], and blogging hasn't really fit in there anywhere. That changes now! (For today!)

Sooooo, on to the actual updates-- MATRICULATION.

A few Saturdays ago, all the new students at Oxford (barring those who were previously enrolled at Oxford (i.e. undergrad), Cambridge, or Univ. of Dublin) took part in the Matriculation ceremony to officially grant us entrance into the University. It took place inside the Sheldonian Theatre, which is a pretty neat place, and we got all fancied up for the shindig-- caps, gowns, etc. Think Harry Potter.

It was a rather short ceremony (they have to run through it several times throughout the course of the day), but quite neat. It used to involve taking an entrance exam, but they've since gotten rid of that formality. Whew.

The day started with all the 'freshers' from my college lining up on the lawn for a group photo.We also ran around trying to get pics on our own cameras. It was a bit hectic.

(I didn't get the light-hair memo...)
 This is probably illegal, but here's the group shot! Five points if you can find me...

After the group photo, we all processed down to the center (sorry, the centre) of town, to the Sheldonian Theatre, where we again had to line up and wait around:

When we finally got inside, it was lovely. Just a cool experience all around. So yay for that.
(It looked a lot cooler when the seats were filled. I just didn't snap a pic of it. Just Google it Nike.)

So happy!

Till next time, cheers!


  1. Seventh row up; 6th from the left, between two women (actually surrounded by all women). There is a man of color 2nd to your left.

    1. "man of color"? Really? Regardless, yes, your persistence has paid off. Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

  2. Well, Maria, I did not want to be insulting and choose a nationality or country that didn't fit. So glad I used that super magnifying glass to find your little pin head.
    I love you!!!!!
