In this summertime season, the list of goals to attack always seems to be long: Submit applications for such-and-such school, job, or scholarship; Start getting more sleep; Get back in touch with old friends; etc., etc., etc.
The athletes reading this know that summer is often the season where goals are silently realized. What I mean is, the goals of improving your personal best, making the team, or qualifying for Nationals don't just magically get checked off at the end of the competitive season.
Summer is when it happens.
For runners, summer means base mileage. For soccer players, summer means strength, speed, and getting back to the joy of the game through kick-arounds. It's not necessarily that the toughest workouts are done in these hot Junes, Julys, and Augusts. Rather, the taxation is of the spirit-- the day-in-day-out necessary grind to improve yourself and stay dedicated to the goals you set out to achieve. As my [brother's] buddy Aaron so awesomely illustrates, it's these dog days that breed success.
Today (right about now, to be specific), my dear friend and future sister-in-law begins to reap some of the benefits of staying true to her goals, summer after summer, year after year. To coincide with the Opening Ceremonies of the London 2012 Olympics, here's a little takeaway from Ms. Janson herself:
"Never give up. If you love it, never give up on it, even though it can be incredibly frustrating and time-consuming and difficult and labor intensive. It's hard work and it takes a lot of time, and a lot of years, and persistence, and education. Never surrender and never give up, and you'll get where you're supposed to be." -Lacy Janson
Happy Friday, and happy OLYMPICS!
U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!